ISSUE 6 - oct/nov 2013

contents feature

Combining Forces


• Mobile websites

• Bad debt online registry

• New Grateseal 'stubby'


• Changes to apprenticeship NSW

• Solar on a grand scale!

• Hunts heating partnership

• New 'iPlumbSafe' mobile app for Plumbers


• Work Safe Month


The Ultimate Website

When Spam is not ham


What we've been up to


This month's joke




Solar on a grand scale!


De Bortoli Wines were looking to expand their bottling lines to keep up with increased demand.
This was seen as an opportunity to not only increase efficiency of the production line, but also design the new plant with energy efficiency in mind to reduce their overall energy usage, this included utilising wall and ceiling insulation, high efficiency HVAC, condensing boilers, a 230kw photovoltaic solar system and the 200kw Apricus solar thermal plant - the largest solar thermal plant on a winery in Australasia.

De Bortoli’s state of the art solar thermal system utilises 3,000 Apricus evacuated tubes to preheat the condensing boilers to dramatically reduce their gas consumption.

The Apricus evacuated tubes were a perfect fit for this application due to their built in frost protection (-15°C rating without glycol) and high temperature performance.

The collectors were mounted on a 37° pitch to maximise solar performance during the winter months.


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