ISSUE 6 - oct/nov 2013

contents feature

Combining Forces


• Mobile websites

• Bad debt online registry

• New Grateseal 'stubby'


• Changes to apprenticeship NSW

• Solar on a grand scale!

• Hunts heating partnership

• New 'iPlumbSafe' mobile app for Plumbers


• Work Safe Month


The Ultimate Website

When Spam is not ham


What we've been up to


This month's joke




New 'iPlumbSafe' mobile app for Plumbers

iPlumbSafe, is an electronic ‘Take 5’ - specifically for the plumbing industry.

It is a world first and was designed by a plumber for the Australian Plumbing industry.

OH and S laws are very challenging for any business that has to comply with them. iPlumbSafe takes some of the hassle out of your legislative requirements, and ultimately keep your staff safer.

How does it work?

Before starting a plumbing task, your plumber can carry out a 5 minute ‘safety assessment’ and provide evidence to you - the business owner that they have considered the known risks and are safe to proceed.

The results of this ‘take 5’ assesment are then emailed back to the office for record keeping and compliance.

If the app identifies any high risk work, the plumber is prompted to not proceed until a formal SWMS has been completed (legislation).


The app contains over 50 Safe Work Procedures that your plumber has on hand when using potentially dangerous equipment (legislation).


The app has over 50 Material Safety Data Sheets of common hazardous materials that your plumber can have on hand to consult (legislation).


The plumber can even choose the background to suit their personality (not legislation but fun!).


The app is available at ITunes.

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